Thursday, September 17, 2009

Barder the Flying Dog

Kevin Baileys parents were both in the military. They had no one else to take care of Kevin in the states. so they took him wherever they went. So when they were both sent to Pakistan, they of course took him with them.
They didn't want Kevin leaving the base at all, but there were no other children there, so his parents decided to get him a dog, Barder. Kevin and Barder quickly became best friends. One of their favorite tings to do was dig, Kevin had tried to build a sand castle a few times, but the sand was far too dry.
One day, while Kevin and Barder were digging, they hit a wierd door like thing. They opened it up, only to find a wierd old man with a great big beard hiding inside. The man looked absolutely horrified at first, but then, realising that it was a child and his dog who found him, he quickly thought up a way to trick them into telling no one they had found him.
He told Kevin that he would give him his "Magic Turbin" if he didn't tell anyone he was there. Kevin, of course, grew excited at the thought of a new thing to play with, and agreed. The man said that he needed to preform a spell before it would work, he then spoke a bunch of gibberish, while putting some LSD he had inside the turbin, then handed it to Kevin. Kevin took it excitedly, and asked, "what was that you put inside, Mister?", The old man replied, "Umm... Fairy dust, now when you wear that turbin, you can fly!". "thanks Mister magic guy, I promise I won't tell anyone you're here!" said Kevin.
Kevin then closed the hatch, and covered it up, then put on the turbin. He suddenly felt a strange rush, jumped on Barders back and shouted, "I'm flying!"

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Should the U.S. Get involved in...

The prompt given to us was, "should the U.S. help out in Mexico, Uganda, or England?"

I, personally, don't think we could even afford to get involved in any other country right now. While I have heard about all the violence and riots in Uganda, and I wish we could do something to help sort things out, we already made the mistake of going to the Middle-East, and seem like we're going to have our military stuck there for sometime. I also know of the problems in Mexico, such as the violence with the Cartels. I live just a couple hours away from the border, and do worry about the violence spilling over into the U.S. sometimes, but again, I'm not sure we should "get involved".

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Writing in Reverse

Karen Sanders woke up on Tuesday the 8th of September. It was a bit later than she usually woke up, but she had work off that day. For the past few weeks, she’d had a terrible pain in her back, and had an appointment with her doctor to see what was wrong. She got out of bed, got dressed, then headed for the subway, because unfortunately, the hospital was across town.

After a fairly boring subway ride, she made her way to the hospital. Once inside, she went over to the front desk and checked in, then she noticed a woman that she thought looked an awful lot like her heading for the bathroom. Of course, it was early, and she was tired, so she assumed it was just her mind playing a trick on her. A few minutes later, a young looking nurse called her in, “Hello miss summers!” she said as she lead her down the hall. She looked down at her clipboard, and then said “Says here you’re here for your injection?” Karen sleepily nodded. The nurse led her into a room, sat her down and then left, saying “I’ll be back in just a sec with your injection.”

Karen sat there by herself in the room for awhile, still not quite sure what was going on. The nurse came back in with a rather large needle, saying “Ok miss summers, here is your Morphine.” As Karen saw the needle, she began to wonder what was going on, but it was too late. Just as she was about to say something, the nurse stuck the needle into her arm, and injected her with the morphine. All of a sudden, she completely forgot what she was going to say. “There you go miss summers!” the nurse said, “now let’s get you on your way home.” As they went back into the front office, they passed by the front desk, where the woman who looked an awful lot like Karen was having a heated conversation with a doctor and the receptionist, “I don’t have a back problem, just give me my morphine!” The nurse had overheard this, and suddenly had a look of terror come over her face. “Oh-my-god, Uh… You can find your way home, right miss summers?” she said as she rushed her out the door. “I am SOOO fired…”

This was a project from Government class where we picked a picture out of Bill Sullivan's Turnstile photography project, and write a short story about it. Bill Sullivan’s Turnstile Photography Project